Affiliate disclosure

As a travel blog website, it is our utmost priority to provide readers with honest and helpful content regarding travel. In order to help us cover the costs of running this website, we use affiliate links throughout the content. We would like to disclose that If you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. My affiliate partners include, but are not limited to:, and

What are affiliate links?

Affiliate links are special links that are designed to track the users that click on them and make a purchase. Whenever someone clicks on our affiliate links and makes a purchase, the company pays us a commission based on a certain percentage of the total purchase value. This commission helps us keep the website running smoothly, update the content, as well as add better features to help improve user experience.

How to identify affiliate links?

We believe in transparency and honesty, which is why we always disclose that the links are affiliate links. Whenever you see a link to an affiliate partner on our website, you will see a statement such as “This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on these links and making a purchase earns us a commission, at no extra cost to you.”

In conclusion, affiliate links are a way for us to keep the website running without charging readers. If you do make a purchase through our affiliate links, thank you for supporting our website and helping us to provide helpful content.

Should you have any questions about Affiliate Disclosure or how affiliate links work, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the Contact Us link on this website.

Updated: 8th of May 2023